Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vday with the girls :D The fact that there's only 5 of us here reminds me of how we're really growing up and this might be our last time celebrating valentine's together, with some of them going overseas soon. And the fact that we're at this place instead of shokudo 2 years ago. Now valentine's isn't about sweets and notes and flowers, but the people you spend it with. I miss those days in Secondary school where we run around passing presents to each other though.

Really great ambiance last night, I just wish we had more time together :( There was barely enough time to warm up.

Talking about great ambiance, here's the coolest perfume shop on earth, ever. The guy dipped the strip into one called "sweet dreams", and there were rows of bottles of oil-based scents. Exotic, I like.

Ella Fitzgerald - Someone to watch over me

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